XaGui Docs

Gui Example

Creating single page GUI with item inside that will redirect to another multi-page GUI

1. Creating a single page GUI with 6 rows

public class ExampleGui {
    public static void open(Player p) {
    private static GuiMenu createGui() {
        GuiMenu gui = Seasons.xagui.createMenu("&bExample", 6);
        // Fill border with GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE by default
        // Or you can fill border with specified Material or ItemStack:
        // gui.fillBorder(Material.DIRT);
        // Creating our fist GUI Button:
        // You can neither use Material or ItemStack
        GuiButton button1 = new GuiButton(Material.DIAMOND);
        // And if you are using XaGUI version pre-v0.4 or lower, you can only use ItemStack
        //GuiButton button1 = new GuiButton(new ItemStack(Material.DIAMOND));
        // Now we can set slot 4 to our created button above, rename it and set its amount to 64
        gui.setSlot(4, button1.setName("&b&lDiamond").setAmount(64));
        // And add an automatically generated close button (barrier)
        // Or you can add a custom close button:
        // gui.addCloseButton(new ItemStack(Material.REDSTONE_TORCH));
        // Now we are going to create a button in slot 22 that will give us 1x EMERALD after clicking on it
        GuiButton emeraldButton = new GuiButton(Material.EMERALD).setName("&a&lEmerald").withListener((event) -> {
            Player player = (Player) event.getWhoClicked();
            player.getInventory().addItem(new ItemStack(Material.EMERALD));
        gui.setSlot(22, emeraldButton);
        // Let's modify allowed click types, so only left click will be allowed nothing else
        // Whitelist has higher priority than Blacklist
        // gui.allowClickTypes(ClickType.LEFT);
        // Or you can blacklist some click types, so everything is allowed except the ones you specify
        // gui.blacklistClickTypes(ClickType.RIGHT, ClickType.SHIFT_LEFT, ClickType.SHIFT_RIGHT);
        // You can also create click listener for the whole menu
        // If you click a button with listener it will be called after this global one
        gui.setOnClick((event) -> {
            event.getWhoClicked().sendMessage("You clicked slot " + event.getSlot());
        // Or create onOpen or onClose listeners
        gui.setOnOpen((event) -> {
            event.getPlayer().sendMessage("You opened the menu!");
        gui.setOnClose((event) -> {
            event.getPlayer().sendMessage("You closed the menu!");
        // We can also unlock slot, so players can take items from it
        // To lock it again use .lockButton(slot)
        gui.setSlot(23, Material.GRASS_BLOCK);
        try {
                The item can be only taken by shift left click
                 It is because XaGUI is automatically blocking click action on AdjacentSlots (player's inventory)
                 So solution would be .setSelfInventoryAccess(true) to allow player click on his inventory
                 But be careful, because player can shift click any item from his inventory to the menu
        } catch (SlotOutOfBoundException e) {
            // IGNORE
        // Now we will create a button that will change its icon from book to bookshelf after clicking on it, and keep the listener
        GuiButton changingButton = new GuiButton(new ItemStack(Material.BOOK)).setName("&a&lClick me!").withListener((event) -> {
            gui.updateSlot(event.getSlot(), Material.BOOKSHELF);
            // If you want to drop the listener, use .setSlot() instead of .updateSlot()
            //gui.setSlot(event.getSlot(), Material.BOOKSHELF);
        gui.setSlot(24, changingButton);
        gui.setSlot(13, new GuiButton(new ItemStack(Material.CHEST)).setName("&9Multi page GUI").setLore("", "&eClick to open multi page GUI").withRedirect(ExamplePages::createGui));
        return gui;

2. Creating a multi-page GUI with 6 rows and 2 pages

public class ExamplePages {
    public static GuiMenu createGui() {
        // We will create gui with 2 pages, all pages will have same amount of rows
        GuiMenu gui = Seasons.xagui.createMenu("&bExample", 3, 2);
        // This will fill border for all pages by default
        // But you can also fill border for specific page, but you need to add second parameter which is ItemStack
        //gui.fillBorder(1, new ItemStack(Material.GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE));
        // We can add close buttons to all pages
        // Now we can set paper in slot 4 of first page
        gui.setSlot(0, 4, new GuiButton(Material.PAPER).setName("&b&lPage: 1"));
        // Now we can set oak sign in slot 4 of second page
        gui.setSlot(1, 4, new GuiButton(Material.OAK_SIGN).setName("&6&lPage: 2"));
        // Setting the next and previous page buttons
        gui.setSlot(0, 26, new GuiButton(Material.ARROW).setName("&fNext page").withListener((event) -> {
            try {
                gui.switchPage(gui.getCurrentPageIndex()+1, (Player) event.getWhoClicked());
            } catch (PageOutOfBoundException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
        gui.setSlot(1, 18, new GuiButton(Material.ARROW).setName("&fPrevious page").withListener((event) -> {
            try {
                gui.switchPage(gui.getCurrentPageIndex()-1, (Player) event.getWhoClicked());
            } catch (PageOutOfBoundException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
        // Now we will set some items on the first page
        gui.setSlot(0, 10, Material.DIAMOND_SWORD);
        gui.setSlot(0, 11, Material.DIAMOND_PICKAXE);
        gui.setSlot(0, 12, Material.DIAMOND_AXE);
        gui.setSlot(0, 13, Material.DIAMOND_SHOVEL);
        // And some items on the second page
        gui.setSlot(1, 10, Material.DIAMOND_HELMET);
        gui.setSlot(1, 11, Material.DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE);
        gui.setSlot(1, 12, Material.DIAMOND_LEGGINGS);
        gui.setSlot(1, 13, Material.DIAMOND_BOOTS);
        // We can also set a listener for page switch
        gui.setOnPageSwitch((event) -> {
            event.getPlayer().sendMessage("Switched page: " + (event.getOldPage()) + " -> " + event.getPage());
        return gui;

3. Opening a single page GUI


This is the result afterwards:

On this page