public class ExamplePages {
public static GuiMenu createGui() {
// We will create gui with 2 pages, all pages will have same amount of rows
GuiMenu gui = Seasons.xagui.createMenu("&bExample", 3, 2);
// This will fill border for all pages by default
// But you can also fill border for specific page, but you need to add second parameter which is ItemStack
//gui.fillBorder(1, new ItemStack(Material.GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE));
// We can add close buttons to all pages
// Now we can set paper in slot 4 of first page
gui.setSlot(0, 4, new GuiButton(Material.PAPER).setName("&b&lPage: 1"));
// Now we can set oak sign in slot 4 of second page
gui.setSlot(1, 4, new GuiButton(Material.OAK_SIGN).setName("&6&lPage: 2"));
// Setting the next and previous page buttons
gui.setSlot(0, 26, new GuiButton(Material.ARROW).setName("&fNext page").withListener((event) -> {
try {
gui.switchPage(gui.getCurrentPageIndex()+1, (Player) event.getWhoClicked());
} catch (PageOutOfBoundException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
gui.setSlot(1, 18, new GuiButton(Material.ARROW).setName("&fPrevious page").withListener((event) -> {
try {
gui.switchPage(gui.getCurrentPageIndex()-1, (Player) event.getWhoClicked());
} catch (PageOutOfBoundException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
// Now we will set some items on the first page
gui.setSlot(0, 10, Material.DIAMOND_SWORD);
gui.setSlot(0, 11, Material.DIAMOND_PICKAXE);
gui.setSlot(0, 12, Material.DIAMOND_AXE);
gui.setSlot(0, 13, Material.DIAMOND_SHOVEL);
// And some items on the second page
gui.setSlot(1, 10, Material.DIAMOND_HELMET);
gui.setSlot(1, 11, Material.DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE);
gui.setSlot(1, 12, Material.DIAMOND_LEGGINGS);
gui.setSlot(1, 13, Material.DIAMOND_BOOTS);
// We can also set a listener for page switch
gui.setOnPageSwitch((event) -> {
event.getPlayer().sendMessage("Switched page: " + (event.getOldPage()) + " -> " + event.getPage());
return gui;