XaGui Docs

Setting & updating slots

Setting & updating slots

You can set and update slots in the GUI without reopening the GUI

void setSlot(int slot, GuiButtonInterface button)
void setSlot(int slot, ItemStack item)
void setSlot(int slot, Material item)
void setSlot(int page, int slot, GuiButtonInterface button)
void setSlot(int page, int slot, ItemStack item)
void setSlot(int page, int slot, Material item)

If page is not set, it will use current page opened

Example of usage

GuiMenu gui = xaGui.createMenu("Something", 4);
gui.setSlot(0, Material.COAL);
gui.setSlot(10, new ItemStack(Material.DIRT, 64));
gui.setSlot(4, new GuiButton(new ItemStack(Material.BARRIER)));
gui.setSlot(gui.getCurrentPageIndex() + 1, 4, new GuiButton(new ItemStack(Material.BARRIER)));

Updating slots

Used when you want to modify a slot after a GUI is opened

void updateSlot(Integer slot, ItemStack item)
void updateSlot(Integer slot, Material item)
void updateSlot(Integer page, Integer slot, ItemStack item)
void updateSlot(Integer page, Integer slot, Material item)

If you want to update slot with a GuiButton, use .setSlot

Example of usage

gui.setSlot(0, new GuiButton(new ItemStack(Material.DIRT)).withListener(event -> {
    gui.updateSlot(event.getSlot(), new ItemStack(Material.DIAMOND, 64));
}).setName("&aClick for diamond"));

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